Business vocabulary

Here is a list of 86 business-related words commonly used in English. 
Click on the blue Play Button once to listen to them. Click again to stop. 
Scroll down the list as you listen to them.


  1. Entrepreneur
  2. Profit
  3. Revenue
  4. Investment
  5. Marketing
  6. Sales
  7. Customer
  8. Client
  9. Product
  10. Service
  11. Strategy
  12. Market
  13. Competition
  14. Brand
  15. Innovation
  16. Finance
  17. Budget
  18. Cash flow
  19. Risk
  20. ROI (Return on Investment)
  21. Partnership
  22. Collaboration
  23. Stakeholder
  24. Employee
  25. Leadership
  26. Management
  27. CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
  28. CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
  29. HR (Human Resources)
  30. Entrepreneurship
  31. Start-up
  32. Corporation
  33. Small business
  34. Growth
  35. Expansion
  36. Sustainability
  37. Diversity
  38. Inclusion
  39. Negotiation
  40. Contract
  41. Agreement
  42. Deadline
  43. 43. Efficiency
  44. Productivity
  45. Teamwork
  46. Networking
  47. Market research
  48. Branding
  49. Target audience
  50. Outsourcing
  51. Partnership
  52. Collaboration
  53. Merger
  54. Acquisition
  55. IPO (Initial Public Offering)
  56. Stock
  57. Shareholder
  58. Board of Directors
  59. Compliance
  60. Ethics
  61. Values
  62. Corporate culture
  63. Reputation
  64. Crisis management
  65. Public relations
  66. Benchmark
  67. Benchmarking
  68. Synergy
  69. Forecast
  70. Outsourcing
  71. B2B (Business-to-Business)
  72. B2C (Business-to-Consumer)
  73. E-commerce
  74. Market share
  75. Brand loyalty
  76. Cash reserve
  77. Recession
  78. Profit margin
  79. Cost-effective
  80. Break-even point
  81. To Downsize
  82. Incentive
  83. White-collar
  84. Blue-collar
  85. Redundancy
  86. To Layoff