CCLS’ Refund Policies & Procedures outline the requirements for and the process through which international
students can acquire a refund for cancellations, withdrawals, or terminations.
1 General Requirements for Eligibility
1.1 Full Refund of Tuition
Full refund of tuition will be granted, under the following conditions:
1. If the program of studies is cancelled by CCLS. In this case, the application fee is also refunded.
2. If a student is denied the F-1 visa (student visa).
3. If the student has not entered the U.S.
1.2 Partial Refund of Tuition
1. If a student has entered the US and cancels prior to the beginning of the first course or never attends
a. CCLS will retain four weeks of tuition charges if the student has enrolled for fewer than 12 weeks.
b. CCLS will retain six weeks of tuition charges if the student has enrolled for 12 weeks or more.
2. If an active student withdraws at or before the first course midpoint, CCLS will retain four weeks of
3. If a continuing student withdraws at or before a course’s mid-point CCLS will retain a prorated amount
of tuition fees for that course. Any tuition paid for the balance of the program will be refunded in full.
In all refund cases, excepting 1.1. above, the student forfeits any discounts based on prepayment of
multiple courses. Courses taken will be recalculated based on the full tuition fee of each course. All
other discounts will be voided.
The prorated calculation will be made in weeks up to the last day of attendance. CCLS will consider a
partial week the same as if a whole week were completed, provided the student was present at least
one day during the scheduled week.
1.3 Ineligibility for Refund
1. If a student withdraws after the midpoint of any course, CCLS will retain all of the charges for that
2 Non-refundable Fees
1. The application fee) and the courier fee (as described on the Application for Admission form) are nonrefundable, except in 1.1.1. above. Fees paid to USCIS and SEVP are non-refundable.
2. Materials acquired at CCLS are non-refundable unless CCLS cancels the course.
3 Method of Refund Payment
1. All refunds will be processed via Zelle, unless the student does not use the Zelle app. In that case,
please see below.
2. Fees paid in cash will be refunded are refunded in cash if up to $50 (fifty dollars).
3. Fees paid in cash (over $50) or by check are refunded by a CCLS check.
4. Refunds of fees paid by check will be processed only after the financial institution has cleared the
original payment.
5. CCLS prefers that the student or their assignee collect their refund checks. If it not possible, CCLS will
issue a check.
6. Payments made with a credit card will be refunded to the same credit card used for payment. If the
student cannot produce the credit card on site for a refund, CCLS will issue a check.
7. Payments made via wire transfer will be refunded via check or wire transfer minus bank processing
charges, unless CCLS has cancelled the course/program.
8. All refunds are made to the payer. Please make sure CCLS has in fact received the original payment
before giving the payer any refund. Checks must have been cleared by the bank.
Students are responsible for securing CCLS has a secondary channel of payment if his/her first option
is not viable.
4 Note
Students may enlist the help of educational or travel agents to fill out forms and process payments to
CCLS on their behalf. Students should be aware that, in case they are entitled to any refunds pursuant
to the Refund Policy, students’ monies collected by their agents will be refunded by the agents, not by
CCLS. CCLS will not be held responsible for any engagements students enter with educational or travel
agents. However, CCLS will ensure and document that the refund has been made on behalf of the
student to the agent.
5 Refund Timeline
All applicable refunds to active students will be made within forty-five (45) calendar days of the documented
date of determination which is the earliest of the following: (a) the first scheduled day of class (no-show
students); (b) the date of the course cancellation; (c) the date the student withdrawals from/cancels his
course; (d) the last day of attendance; (e) the date on which CCLS terminates the student for being absent for
thirty (30) consecutive calendar days (excluding any scheduled school breaks) or due to the student’s failure
to adhere to the institution’s attendance and conduct.
CCLS retains its student records for three (3) years after the student’s LDA-Last Date of Attendance (attending
students) or FSCD- First Scheduled Class Date (new students). Students are entitled to applicable refunds for
up to three (3) years after the student’s LDA or FSCD.
In order to maintain good academic standing, students must meet all the requirements below:
• Receive a minimum cumulative weighted grade of 70% during the course of studies
• Meet CCLS’ 80% cumulative attendance requirements during the course of studies
• Not repeat the same course more than once
CCLS’ grading policy weighs student performance and outcomes for each course as follows:
EEC Courses: CSK Courses:
1. Final Oral Exam – 35% 1. Attendance – 10%
2. Written Exams – 35% 2. Assignments – 10%
3. Attendance – 10% 3. Participation – 10%
4. Assignments – 10% 4. Oral Presentations – 40%
5. Participation – 10% 5. Oral Exams – 30%
EEC – English for Effective Communication
CSK – Communication Skills
The passing grade is 70%. Students enrolled in the Intensive English Program (EEC + CSK courses) will
receive one final grade. The former represents 70%, while the latter represents 30%.
CCLS students´ maximum cumulative total length of language training cannot exceed thirty-six (36)
Monitoring Satisfactory Academic Progress
1. CCLS supports students not meeting academic requirements by:
• Advising students of academic requirements at enrollment
• Identifying students not meeting academic requirements
• Alerting students that they are not meeting academic requirements
• Providing assistance to address issues affecting student academic progress
2. CCLS will use the following criteria to identify students at risk of not meeting academic
• Receiving a failing grade (less than 70%) in a course
• Failure twice by a student to pass the same course
• Unsatisfactory student attendance record (80%) in a course
• Inability of a student to complete a course
3. At midterm, the director and academic coordinator will review the test grades and
communicate with students at risk. Teaching staff will also identify students who are in
danger of not meeting academic requirements and refer them to the Director/Academic
4. At the end of each term, staff adds the course grades and weighted grade for each student in
the Database program, while identifying students not meeting academic requirements.
5. The Director/Academic Coordinator will communicate with identified students not meeting
academic requirements at the end of the term and advise each student that they have been
placed on academic probation. At the school Director`s discretion upon careful consideration
of the student`s grades and circumstances the student has failed the course, the student may
be allowed advance to the next course on probation or required to repeat the course.
6. A student will be allowed to advance a course on academic probation under the following
• A bi-weekly learning plan will be devised to help the student identify weaknesses and
improve his academic performance and be able to obtain the minimum cumulative
70% weighted grade by the end of the following term.
• If the student on probation does not meet the Satisfactory Academic Policy at the end
of the probationary term, he will be required to repeat the courses he failed.
7. A continuing student who did not obtain a minimum 70% weighted grade for the term or a
student in initial placement may voluntarily request or accept taking a lower-level course to
review structures he has not grasped with confidence and/or improve vocabulary/fluency.
In the event that a student fails the final tests (below 65%), he or she is allowed to request one retest. In
that case, a different form of the midterm or final exam will be administered.
The SAP policy sets forth procedures through which a student may appeal a determination that he
or she is not meeting the SAP standards. Our procedures:
i. require written appeals;
ii. require substantiating documentation including a definitive statement from a student as to
why s/he failed to meet SAP standards and what has changed in the student’s situation that
will allow him/her to meet SAP standards at the end of the next SAP evaluation;
A p p r o v e d : 6 / 1 3 / 1 2
A m e n d e d : 0 6 / 2 0 / 2 3