Student Survey EEC Advanced-2

I fully agreeI partially agreeI partially disagreeI completely disagree
They are attentive and courteous to students
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
They offer correct and complete information
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
They offer good quality services
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
They help students promptly
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
They show enthusiasm and motivation
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Choose the option that best represents your opinion
I fully agreeI partially agreeI partially disagreeI completely disagree
Is organized and prepared for each class
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Shows enthusiasm and motivation in class
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Demonstrates strong knowledge of grammar and vocabulary
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Gives students the opportunity to participate in class
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Explains grammar and vocabulary clearly and effectively
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Corrects your mistakes
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Avoids talking excessively in class
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Is punctual (starts and ends classes on time)
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Does not deviate from the lesson
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Only speaks English in class
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Choose the option that best represents your opinion
I fully agreeI partially agreeI partially disagreeI completely disagree
They are attentive and courteous to students
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
They offer correct and complete information
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
They offer good quality services
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
They help students promptly
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
They show enthusiasm and motivation
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Choose the option that best represents your opinion
I fully agreeI partially agreeI partially disagreeI completely disagree
I have made good progress in speaking
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
I have made good progress in my listening skills
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
I have made good progress in reading
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
I have made good progress in writing
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Choose the option that best represents your opinion
I fully agreeI partially agreeI partially disagreeI completely disagree
The school is clean
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
The atmosphere is friendly and welcoming
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
I would recommend CCLS
I fully agree
I partially agree
I partially disagree
I completely disagree
Choose the option that best represents your opinion